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CrossFit – Tue, May 7

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General Flow

:45 reverse lunge & reach

:45 Downward dog w/ foot pedal

:45 Pigeon right

:45 Pigeon left

:45 Active spiderman

Line drills :20 each

Shuttle runs

Quad pulls

Shuttle runs

Knuckle drags

Shuttle runs

Butt kickers

Shuttle runs

High knees

Shuttle runs

Specific Warm-up

:10 dead hang

:10 scap pull ups

5 Kips

5 Press away kip swings

5 Hanging knee tuck

5 Full TTB or modification


200m Run

6 T2B


Cement Mixer (AMRAP – Reps)

On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:

400 Meter Run

12 Toes to Bar

* Score Slowest Round
Repeat from 12/20/22

*Option to do 9 T2B + 3 BMU

After Party

Metcon (Checkmark)

3 Sets

10 Spanish Squats

1 Minute Plank Hold

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