CrossFit – Sat, Jun 1
Front Squat (Weight)
Max Repetitions of Front Squats @ 80%
* To Technical Failure
* Add 10# To Each Set From Last Attempt (4/12/24)
Switching Gears (Calories)
On the Minute x 14 [7 Rounds]:
Minute 1: 20 Wallballs (20/14)
Minute 2: Max Bike Erg Calories
* Partners Start On Separate Stations
* Score Total Bike Calories
General Flow
Partner general warm up
P1: Bike
P2: 0:20 Plate squat hold + 0:20 “drive the bus” with plate
P1: bike
P2: 0:20 Plate Ground to overhead + Plate squat (hold on chest)
P1: bike
P2: 0:20 Plate squat (hold out with arms parallel)
Specific Warm-up
Front Squat
Focus on high elbows in set up and hold
Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position
Focus on elbows high throughout the rep
Focus on hips initiating the squat