CrossFit – Wed, Feb 14

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


Tabata Flow :20 on / :10 off

Get out DBs & Bands

Banded pass throughs

Child’s pose with lat reach

DB Crush grip floor press (2 hands on heads of DB)

No push up burpees


DB Crush grip floor press (2 hands on heads of DB)

Eccentric push ups

Banded pull aparts

Specific Warm Up

DB Clean & Jerk + Burpee Pull Up

:20 each

Alternating DB Deadlift

Alternating DB Deadlift + Shrug

DB Crush grip Strict press (2 hands)

Burpee in place (slow)

DB Alternating Hang clean

DB Crush grip Push press (2 hands)

Burpee in place (faster, soft elbow drop)

DB push press (1 hand)

DB push jerk (1 hand)

Alternating DB Hang C&J

Cued Full DB C&J

Burpee Pull-Ups

Kip swings :20

Jumping pull ups :20

Full burpee pull ups :20

Establish workout stations on the rig


Bench Press (3×1)

On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:

1 Bench Press

Start First Working Set at 85% & Build


3-2 Zone (AMRAP – Reps)


20 Burpee Pull-ups

Max Single Dumbbell Clean & Jerks

Rest 2 Minutes


20 Single Dumbbell Clean & Jerks

Max Burpee Pull-ups

Dumbbell: (70/50) (50/35)

After Party

Metcon (Checkmark)

4 Sets

Max supinated ring rows

20 Band Pull-aparts

Rest 1:00 Between Sets

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