CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
General Flow 0:20 of each
Arm swings
Quad pulls
Upward dog press ups
Inchworm + push up
Downward dog + foot pedal
Jumping jacks
Push ups
Hollow rocks
Line hops (side to side)
Line hops (forward to back)
Sit ups
Bodyweight lunges
Specific Warm-up
3 reps shoulders to floor
3 reps shoulders past hips
3 sit-ups
Double Unders
:20 High Singles
Focus on timing wrist speed
:20 Fast Singles:
Focus on wrist rotation and quicken the pace of the jump rope
:20 Alternating Feet:
Focus on enhance footwork and coordination.
:20 Single-Single-High Single
Focus on controlling the cadence and wrist speed
:20 Single-Single-Double
Focus on speeding up the wrist for the double
:30 Practice
10 Bodyweight lunges
6 Goblet lunges
DB Hang Snatch
0:20 of each
Alternating hang DB high pull
Alternating DB push press
Alternating hang DB snatch
Krabby Patty (Time)
40/32 Calorie Bike Erg
40 Dumbbell Hang Snatches
40 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Dumbbell Step Back Lunges
40 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Dumbbell Hang Snatches
40/32 Calorie Bike Erg
* 40 Double Unders Between Each Movement
Dumbbell: (50/35)
After Party
After Party (Weight)
1 Giant Set
Single Arm DB Bent row each arm
10 reps at @heaviest
15 reps at @heavy
20 reps at @moderate
*Complete sets unbroken
Score = weight used for set of 20