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CrossFit – Thu, May 16

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General Flow

200m run

0:30 Samson stretch (right)

0:30 Samson stretch (left)

0:15 Quad pulls

0:15 Knuckle draggers

0:15 Knee Pulls

0:15 A skips

0:15 Butt kicks

0:15 High knees

0:15 Bunny Hops

0:15 Broad Jumps

200m run

Specific Warm-up


:20 Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts

:20 Kettlebell Deadlifts

:20 KB Hip Hinge & Pop

:20 KB Russian Swings

:20 KB American Swings

Strict Pull-Up

10 scap retractions

5 Dead hang to lat active pulls

5 Jumping negative pull ups

*Mod to ring rows if needed


Shell Shocked (Time)

6 Rounds:

9 Strict Pull-ups

21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

400 Meter Run

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

After Party

Gymnasties (Checkmark)

30 Strict T2B

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