CrossFit – Fri, Sep 6
Friday Mindset
General Flow 0:20 each
- Grab DBs
- Arm circles
- Arm wraps
- Truck twists
- Quad pulls
- Knuckle draggers
- Plank hold
- Downward dog
- Hollow hold
- Scorpions
- Suitcase hold (right) (one DB by the side)
- Suitcase hold (left) (one DB by the side)
- Single leg V ups
- Farmers hold (both DBs by the sides)
- Look for athletes to roll the shoulders back and down
- Sit ups
- Farmers carry
Specific Warm-Up
Double Unders
- :20 High Singles
- :20 Fast Singles:
- :20 Single-Single-High Single
- :20 Single-Single-Double
- :30 Practice
Toes to Bar
- :10 dead hang
- :10 scap pull ups
- 3 Jump to hollow
- 3 Jump to hollow and arch
- 5 Press away kip swings
- 5 Hanging knee tuck
- 5 Full TTB or modification
- Down and back turf Farmers Carry
- 15 Double Unders
- 5/4 Calorie Bike Erg
- 5 Toes to Bar
Gas Pedal (AMRAP – Reps)
200 Meter Farmers Carry
4 Rounds:
60 Double Unders
30/24 Calorie Bike Erg
15 Toes to Bar
200 Meter Farmers Carry
Dumbbells: (50/35)’s
Time cap : 30 Minutes
24/18 Calorie Assault/Echo Bike
Running (Checkmark)
Aerobic Capacity
Every 5 Minutes x 4 Rounds:
800 Meter Run
* RPE 5-6
Jonas Salk
“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.”
Trust your intuition as it can guide your logical thinking toward new insights or solutions.