CrossFit – Wed, Sep 25
Wednesday Mindset
Specific Warm-Up
Dumbbell Snatch
- 0:20 Alternating DB Deadlift
- 0:20 Alternating DB Deadlift + Shrug
- 0:20 Push press (right)
- 0:20 Push press (left)
- 0:20 DB Hang snatch
- 0:20 Alternating DB snatches
Sumo DL
- 5 Cued reps Shin to knee
- 5 Cued reps Sumo deadlifts
- 3 Cued Sumo Deadlifts with tempo
Sumo Deadlift (5-7 sets sets of 3 with a 5-second negative)
5-7 Sets [Climbing]:
3 Sumo Deadlifts
* 5 Second Negative
* Aim to Increase Weight From 8/14/24
120 Boxes (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 2 Minutes [Until 120 Box Jumps (24″/20″]:
20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
Bulletproof Shoulders (Checkmark)
Bulletproof Shoulders
3 x 10 Kneeling 1-Arm DB Press (10/side)
3×10 Front Plate Raises
Rest 2 Minutes Between All Sets
General Flow 0:20 Each