CrossFit – Tue, Sep 24
Tuesday Mindset
Line drill warm up 25’ each
- Quad pulls
- Knuckle draggers
- Standing figure 4
- Lunge with reach
- Knee pulls with calf raise
- Side lunges
- Inch worms
Specific Warm-Up
Tabata Row warm up
- 4 rounds | :20 on / :10 off (ez-hard)
Tabata Bike warm up
- 4 rounds | :20 on / :10 off (ez-hard)
- 200m Bike Erg
- 100m Run
- 150m Row
One on One Time (Time)
500/450 Meter Bike Erg
200 Meter Run
250/225 Meter Row
Rest 3:00
1,000/900 Meter Bike Erg
400 Meter Run
500/450 Meter Row
Rest 6:00
2,000/1,800 Meter Bike Erg
800 Meter Run
1,000/900 Meter Row
Time Cap: 40 Minutes
Banded shoulders (Checkmark)
3 Sets For Quality
10 Pallof Press (Each Side)
Byron Pulsifer
“Your destiny isn’t just fate; it is how you use your own developed abilities to get what you want.”
You have the power to shape your future through your actions and the skills you cultivate.