CrossFit – Fri, Sep 13
Friday Bright Spots
Friday Mindset
Anne Frank
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – You can start making a positive impact on the world immediately, without waiting for the perfect time or situation.
General Flow
- 0:30 Jog in Place or Row
- 0:30 Bodyweight Squats
- 0:30 Glute Bridges
- 0:30 World’s Greatest Stretch (each side)
- 0:30 Cossack Squats (alternating sides)
- 0:20 Air Squats with 3-Second Pause at the Bottom
- 0:20 Lateral Band Walks (each direction)
- 0:20 Jumping Jacks
- 0:20 Arm Circles (small to large, forward and backward)
Empty Barbell Complex (15-20 seconds each):
- Good Mornings
- Back Squats
- Press & Reach
- Front Squats
Specific Warm-Up
KB Swing Prep
- :20 Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts
- :20 Kettlebell Deadlifts
- :20 KB Hip Hinge & Pop
- :20 KB Russian Swings
- :20 KB American Swings
Back Squats
- 3 Back squats
- 3 Back squats with a pause at parallel on the way up
Back Squat (5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps (3-Second Pause on the way up at parallel))
In a 12:00 Window
5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps
* 3 Second Pause on the way up at parallel
* Aim to Increase Weight From 8/2/24
Same Old Story (AMRAP – Reps)
On the Minute x 15:
15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Wallballs (20/14)
Max Kettlebell Swings (70/53) in time remaining
Durability (Checkmark)
For Quality:
400 Meter Farmers Carry @dumbbell(50/35)’s
What’s your bright spot?