CrossFit WOD, November 20, 2024

CrossFit – Wed, Nov 20

Deadlift (* Same Weight Across
* Aim For ~82%)
“Plus-Minus” (Time)

For Time:

21-15-9-6-3 Power Cleans (135/95)

42-30-18-12-6 Hand Release Push-ups

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

Open-Games | “Plus-Minus” (Time)

For Time:

10-8-6-4-2 Power Cleans, @weight(185/125)

40-32-24-16-8 Hand-Release Push-ups

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


Gun Show


8×8 Double Dumbbell Curls

Rest 30 Seconds Between Sets


100 Banded Tricep Pressdowns


Sue Patton Thoele – “Deep listening is miraculous for both listener and speaker. When someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely interested listening, our spirits expand.”

Listening deeply and without judgment can profoundly impact both the speaker and the listener, fostering connection and understanding.

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