CrossFit – Tue, Aug 27
Tuesday Mindset
Line drill warm up 30’ each (white line to white line – outside)
- 100m run
- Quad pulls
- Knee pulls + calf raise
- Knuckle draggers
- Lunge + reach
- Toe walk
- Heel walk
- Hip openers
- Inchworm + spiderman
- Bunny hops
- Broad jumps
- A skips
- Butt kicks
- High knees
- 100m run
Specific Warm-Up
- 20 @ SPM of 32-35
- Focus on 500m/split
- :20 @ SPM of 27-30
- Maintain same 500m/split
- :20 @ SPM of 23-26
- Maintain same 500m/split
- 200m Row
- 200m Run
Boat Race (Time)
3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds.
*Score us total time, including rest.
Repeat from 8/8/2023
Time cap: 25:00
Core (Time)
100 Sit-Ups for time
Yogi Berra
“You can observe a lot just by watching.”
Take time to observe your surroundings carefully, as you can learn much from simply being attentive.