CrossFit – Wed, Aug 21
Specific Warm-Up
DB Hang Snatch
- 0:20 Alternating DB deadlift
- 0:20 Alternating DB dip + shrug
- 0:20 DB Push press (right)
- 0:20 DB push press (left)
- 0:20 DB hang snatch on the left
- 0:20 DB hang snatch on the right
Sumo Deadlift
- 5 Cued reps hips to above knee
- 5 Cued reps above knee to mid shin
- 3 Cued reps mid-shin to standing
- 3 Cued reps mid-shin to standing With a pause
Sumo Deadlift (5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps
Building to 60% to 80% for final set of 3)
Building to 60% to 80% for final set of 3)
In a 12:00 Window
5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps
Building to 60% to 80% for final set of 3
* 3 Second Pause
* Build In Weight
Left Hanging (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Dumbbell Hang Snatches (50/35)
AbMat Sit-ups
Bike Erg Calories
AbMat Sit-ups
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
Farmer Carry (Checkmark)
3 Sets For Quality:
300′ Farmers Carry
Rest 1 Minute Between All Sets
Dumbbells: (50/35)’s
General flow 0:20 each