CrossFit – Wed, Aug 14
Specific Warm-Up
Strict Pull Up
- :10 dead hang
- 2 set of 10 scap pull ups
- ***This is the initiating of the strict pull
- 5 Scap refraction + elbow flexion ***Focus on sequence of strict pulling movement
(Scaps first, elbows back second.)
- 3 Jumping eccentric pull ups (Sub to ring rows if needed)
- 3 Workout pullups (strict only today)
Sumo Deadlift
- 5 Cued reps hips to above knee (Hips back first in the descent and bar close)
- 5 Cued reps above knee to mid shin (Knees out of the way)
- 3 Cued reps mid shin to standing
- 3 Cued reps mid shin to standing With tempo
Sumo Deadlift (6×3)
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets: 3 Sumo Deadlifts*
* 5 Second Negative
* Build In Weight
Building to 75% to 85% for final set of 3
Multipurpose (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
5 Strict Pull-ups
Double Dumbbells: (50/35)’s (35/20)’s
Gun Show (Checkmark)
Gun Show
3-4 Sets:
8 Barbell Curls
1 Set:
Max Unbroken Empty Barbell Curls
General Flow 0:20 each