CrossFit – Wed, Jan 1

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit

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Bench Press (* Same Weight Across
* Aim For 89% 1RM)

“Home Sweet Home” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


15 Hand Release Push-ups

30 Sit-ups

60 Double Unders

13-15 & 55+ | Same as Class


Same as Class

Accessory (No Measure)

Killer Core

For Quality:

50 Second Front Plank, 10 V-Ups

40 Second Front Plank, 20 V-Ups

30 Second Front Plank, 30 V-Ups

20 Second Front Plank, 40 V-Ups

10 Second Front Plank, 50 V-Ups

Mindset (No Measure)


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