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CrossFit – Tue, Sep 3

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit

Tuesday Mindset


“Well begun is half done.”

Starting something with careful planning and effort makes the rest of the task much easier to complete.


General Flow

0:20 childs pose

0:20 scorpions

0:20 downward dog

0:20 prone snowman

0:20 inchwoms

0:20 bootstraps

Bike + DB flow

0:20 bike

0:20 alt. DB deadlift

0:20 alt. DB hang clean

0:20 bike

0:20 push press (right)

0:20 push press (left)

0:20 bike

0:20 DB snatch

Specific Warm-Up

Pull Up Flow

:10 Scap pull ups

:10 Kips

2x :10 Kip swings

5 Jumping negative pull ups

3 Pull ups or workout mod

Strict Press

3 Cued reps with pause

Focus on chin back first.

3 Cued reps with tempo (count down 5 seconds)

Focus on “cylinder of strength” + Squeezed legs, butt, & stomach.


Strict Press (5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps (* 5 Second Negative))

In a 12:00 Window

5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps

* 5 Second Negative

* Aim to Increase Weight From 7/22/24


Going Down Swinging (Time)

On the 3:00 x 6 Rounds:

12 Pull-ups*

600/540 Meter Bike Erg

12 Dumbbell Snatches (70/50)

Rx+ 12 Chest to Bar Pullups

Score = slowest round
18/14 Assault Bike/Echo Bike calories


Core (Checkmark)

Killer Core

3 Giant Sets For Quality:

5 Strict Toes to Bar

10 V-Ups

20 Sit-ups

Rest 2 Minutes Between Giant Sets

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