CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
Tuesday Mindset
W. Clement Stone
“No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.”
Planning is essential, but it’s your passion and energy in pursuing goals that turn them into reality.
General Flow 0:20 each
Jump Rope (Single Unders)
Dynamic Leg Swings (Front and Side)
Active Spidermans
High Knees
Butt Kicks
200m Jog
Scapular Pull-Ups
Hollow Holds
Kipping Swings
Air Squats
Plank Shoulder Taps
Jump Rope (Double Under Practice)
100m Run
Specific Warm-Up
0:20 Active Hang
0:20 Hanging Knee Raises
0:20 Kip Swings
0:20 Kipping Leg Raises
0:20 Toes-to-Bar (Scaled as Needed)
15 Double Unders
200m Run
5 Toes to Bar
Parti Time (Time)
For Time [30 Minute Cap]:
300 Double Unders
2 Mile Run
100 Toes to Bar
Partition However You’d Like
*Score = Total time. If you get time capped, enter 1 second for every missed rep. Every 100m of running will equal 1 rep.
Papa Bear (Checkmark)
“Papa Bear” (Durability)
For Quality:
400 Meter Bear Hug Plate Carry