CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
General Flow 0:20 each or written time
1:00 Bike 80-84 RPM
Samson stretch (right)
Samson stretch (left)
Downward dog
0:40 Bike 85-90 RPM
Arm circles
Arm wraps
Tall plank
Plank toe taps
0:20 Bike 90-94 RPM
Hollow body rocks
Sit ups
V ups
Specific Warm-Up
Pull Up + Toe to Bar
0:15 Dead Hang
0:15 Scap Pull Ups
0:15 Top of Pull Hold
Scale to top of ring row hold
5 Jumping Negatives
Scale to ring row negatives
10 Kip Swings
5 Kipping Pull Ups
3 Kipping Leg Raises
3 Toes to Bar
7 Pull Ups
250m Bike Erg
7 Toes to Bar
250m Bike Erg
30 for 30 (Time)
For Time:
21-18-15-12-9 Pull-ups
15/12 Calorie Bike
9-12-15-18-21 Toes to Bar
15/12 Calorie Bike
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
Rx+ C2B Pull-ups
“Nospil” (Checkmark)
Not For Time:
400 Meter Backwards Sled Drag @weight(90/60)