CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
General Flow
1:00 row
0:30 pigeon (right)
0:30 pigeon (left)
1:00 row
0:30 childs pose
0:30 upward dog
1:00 row
0:30 spiderman
0:30 scorpions
Specific Flow
Specific Flow
0:20 single DB goblet squat
0:20 DB renegade row
0:20 single DB front squat (right)
0:20 single DB front squat(left)
0:20 Quick ups
Burpee Pull up Specific warm up
3 Step back step up burpee to target
3 Burpee to kip swing
3 Jumping pull ups
3 pull ups
3 burpee pull ups
7/5 Calorie Row
7 Dumbbell Front Squat
3 Burpee Pull-ups
Since U Been Gone (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
27/21 Calorie Row
21 Dumbbell Front Squats (50/35)’s
15 Burpee Pull-ups
* Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
* Pick-up Where You Left Off
Gun Show (Checkmark)
50 empty bar curls