CrossFit – Tue, Dec 10

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit

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“Damn Daniel” (Time)

For Time

50 Pull-ups

400 Meter Run

32 Thrusters

800 Meter Run

32 Thrusters

400 Meter Run

50 Pull-ups

Barbell: (75/55)

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

Open-Games | “Damn Daniel” (Time)

For Time

50 Pull-ups

400 Meter Run

32 Kettlebell Thrusters

800 Meter Run

32 Kettlebell Thrusters

400 Meter Run

50 Pull-ups

Kettlebell: (35/26)’s

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

KG | 16/12’s

Accessory (No Measure)

Lethal Legs

4 Supersets:

15/12 Cal Bike Erg (Damper 10)

10 Meter Double Dumbbell Walking Lunge @dumbbell(70/50)

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

Mindset (No Measure)

Jack Dixon – “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” – Prioritize personal growth and adaptation; focusing solely on outcomes can limit your progress.

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