CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
Tuesday Mindset
Yogi Berra
“You can observe a lot just by watching.”
Take time to observe your surroundings carefully, as you can learn much from simply being attentive.
Line drill warm up 30’ each (white line to white line – outside)
100m run
Quad pulls
Knee pulls + calf raise
Knuckle draggers
Lunge + reach
Toe walk
Heel walk
Hip openers
Inchworm + spiderman
Bunny hops
Broad jumps
A skips
Butt kicks
High knees
100m run
Specific Warm-Up
20 @ SPM of 32-35
Focus on 500m/split
:20 @ SPM of 27-30
Maintain same 500m/split
:20 @ SPM of 23-26
Maintain same 500m/split
200m Row
200m Run
Boat Race (Time)
3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds.
*Score us total time, including rest.
Repeat from 8/8/2023
Core (Time)
100 Sit-Ups for time