CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
“This Little Piggy” (Time)
10 Rounds For Time:
500/450 Meter Bike Erg
30 Double Unders
8 Toes to Bar
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
Accessory (No Measure)
Killer Core
5 Rounds of:
20 Second Side Plank (R), 10 Second Rest
20 Second Side Plank (L), 10 Second Rest
20 Second Hollow Hold, 10 Second Rest
20 Second Arch Hold, 10 Second Rest
Mindset (No Measure)
Frank Crane – “You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough.”
While trust can sometimes lead to disappointment, a life without trust is filled with constant suspicion and fear.