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CrossFit – Thu, Aug 22

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General flow

0:30 calf stretch (right)

0:30 calf stretch (left)

0:30 pigeon (right)

0:30 pigeon (left)

0:30 samson (right)

0:30 samson (left)

Line drills 25’ each

Quad pulls

Knee pull + calf raise

Inchworm + spiderman

Toe walk

Heel walk

Gater openers

Bunny hops

Broad jumps

High knees


100m run

Specific Warm-Up


3 Step back, step up burpees

3 jump back, step up burpees

3 step back, jump up burpees

3 jump back jump up burpees

3 burpees fast


On a 90 second clock…

200m Run

6 Burpees


Bungee Jumping (Time)

On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:

400 Meter Run

12 Burpees*

Score: Slowest Round

Rx+ *5 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
Scaled Alternative

200m Run

6 Burpees


Gun Show (Checkmark)

Gun Show

2-3 Sets For Quality:

7 Barbell Curls (Bottom Half)

7 Barbell Curls (Top Half)

7 Barbell Curls (Full Range)

Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets

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