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CrossFit – Mon, Sep 30

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General Flow 0:20 each or written time

1:00 Row

Medball deadlifts

Medball good mornings (bear hug the medball)

Medball trunk twists (bear hug the medball)

Arm circles (full range of motion)

Alternating worlds greatest

Plank shoulder taps

Tempo knee push ups

Medball front squats

Medball shoulder press


Medball thrusters


0:30 Row

Specific Warm-Up

DB Warm Up

0:20 Alternating Single DB Deadlift

0:20 Alternating Single DB Deadlift + High Pull

0:20 Single DB Push Press (Each Arm)

0:20 Alternating DB Hang Snatch

0:20 Alternating DB Snatch

0:20 Double DB Push Press

Bench Press

3 Empty bar bench press

3 Empty bar bench press with 3 second pause)

3 Lightweight bench press with pause


Bench Press (5-7 sets with 3-second pause )

5-7 Sets [Climbing]:

3 Bench Press

* 3 Second Pause 1-inch above the chest on the way up

* Aim to Increase Weight From 8/19/24


Chipper Gone Bad (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100 Wallballs (20/14) (14/10)

80 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (35/20)

60 Box Jumps (24”/20”)

40 Double Dumbbell Push Press (50’s/35’s) (35’s/20’s)

Max Calorie Row

*Score = Calories


Bulletproof Shoulders (Checkmark)

Bulletproof Shoulders

3 Giant Sets:

8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (R)

50′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (R)

8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (L)

50′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (L)

Rest 1 Minute Between Giant Sets

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