CrossFit – Mon, Jul 29

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General Flow

0:20 jumping jacks

0:20 knee pulls to the chest

0:20 quad pulls

0:20 knuckle draggers

0:20 bunny hops

0:20 downward dog

0:20 scorpions

0:20 spiderman + worlds greatest

0:20 tuck Jumps

0:20 push ups

0:20 quick ups

0:20 burpees

0:20 box jumps

Specific Warm-up

Power Cleans

3 High hang power cleans (be quick under the bar and be fast with your elbows)

3 Hang power cleans (fully extend before being fast under the bar)

3 Power cleans

Push Jerk

5 Dip & hold

5 Dip & drive

3 Push jerks with empty bar

Strict Press

3 Cued reps

3 Cued reps with tempo


Strict Press (3×3)

On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:

3 Strict Press

* 3 Second Pause

* Build In Weight


Dismantled (Time)

3 Rounds:

15 Power Cleans

15 Lateral Barbell Burpees

Directly Into…

3 Rounds:

15 Push Jerks

15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Barbell: (115/85)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


Gun Show (Checkmark)

Gun Show

2-3 Sets:

A) Big Set of Push-ups (Floor)

B) Big Set of Push-ups on Low Box

C) Big set of Push-ups on Higher Box

* Move Directly From A-B-C

* Rest 3 Minutes After Completing (C)

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