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CrossFit – Mon, Aug 5

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General Flow

Jumping jacks

Quad pulls

Knuckle draggers

Knee pulls

High knees


Quick ups

Bend and reach

Butt kicks



CT Barbell Flow :15 – :20 each


Back squat

Elbow rotations

Press & reach

Stiff leg deadlifts

Front squats

Specific Warm-up

Pull ups

:10 Deadhang

:10 Scap pull ups

:10 Kips (Focus on a shallow, controlled, tight kip)

2x :10 Kip swings (Focus on the swing being controlled by the shoulders/lats)

5 Jumping negative pull ups *Sub ring rows if needed

3 Pull ups or workout mod

Strict Press

3 Cued reps

Focus on “cylinder of strength”

Squeezed legs, butt, & stomach.

3 Cued reps

Focus on chin back first.


Strict Press (6×3)

3 strict press every 2 minutes for 6 sets (On the 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00)

*Building to 75% to 80% for final set of 3


Frosted Flakes (Time)

For Time:

1,000 Meter Run

50 Pull-ups

30 Power Cleans (155/105)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

Rx+ (25 BMU + 185#/125# Power Cleans)


Metcon (Checkmark)

Gun Show

3-5 Sets For Quality:

16 Dumbbell Bench Press

16 Alternating Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls*

* Rest As Needed Between Sets

* 8 Reps Each Side

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