CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit
General Flow 0:20 each
Grab Medballs
Pigeon (right)
Pigeon (left)
Childs pose
Downward + upward dogs
Bootstraps + reach overhead
Tall Plank hold
Tempo push ups
Alternating lunge + reach overhead
Hollow rocks
Air squats
Sit ups
MB deadlift
MB front squat
MB shoulder press
MB thruster
Specific Warm-up
:30 slow row
:45 moderate row
:30 workout effort row
Back Squat
5 Goodmornings
Focus on gripping the ground with the foot throughout
3 Cued back squats
“Squat and hold”
Focus on gripping the ground with the foot throughout
3 Cued back squats
“Squat and hold”
Focus on an upright torso in the squat
Back Squat (1×20)
10:00 for 20RM (heavier than last week)
Balls and Strikes (Calories)
On the 3:00 x 5 Rounds:
10 Wallballs
30 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Wallballs
Max Calorie Row
Medicine Ball: (20/14)
* Score Lowest Round of Calories
Gun Show (Checkmark)
Gun Show
A) 8×8 Strict Dips (Rest 30 Seconds)
B) 100 Banded Biceps Curls
* Finish All 3 Sets of (A) Before Advancing To (B)