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CrossFit – Fri, Aug 23

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


Row warm up

Tabata row with increasing effort

8 rounds of 0:20 work / 0:10 rest

Athletes should look to slowly increase their effort/pace, ending in a very hard effort for 0:20

CT Barbell Flow :15 – :20 each


Back squat

Elbow rotations

Press & reach

Stiff leg deadlifts

Front squats


Specific Warm-Up

KB Swing Prep

:20 Alternating Single Leg Deadlifts (hinge and keep your back flat)

:20 Kettlebell Deadlifts (Hip hinge and drive through the heels)

:20 KB Hip Hinge & Pop (Violent hip extension to drive the hips forward)

:20 KB Russian Swings (generate power from the hips and swing to eye level)

:20 KB American Swings

Front Squat

3 cued ¼ Squat & Hold

Focus on high elbows in set up and hold

3 cued Squat & hold

Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position

3 Cued lightweight rep with pause


Front Squat (5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps

Building to 60% to 80%  for final set of 3)

In a 12:00 Window

5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps

Building to 60% to 80% for final set of 3

* 3 Second Pause

* Build In Weight


Shout (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

500/450 Meter Row

21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

12 Thrusters (115/85)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


Bulletproof shoulders accessory (Checkmark)

Bulletproof Shoulders

3-5 Sets For Quality:

8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (R)

50′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (R)

8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (L)

50′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (L)

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