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CrossFit – Fri, Aug 16

CrossFit Showdown – CrossFit


General flow :20 each

Grab PVC pipes

PVC pass through

Quad pulls

Knuckle draggers

PVC around the worlds

Spider man


PVC snatch grip press

Air squat

Downward dog

PVC overhead squat

High knee

Butt kicks

100m run

Specific Warm-Up

Power Snatch

5 Snatch dip + drive

5 Snatch deadlift + shrug

5 Snatch high pull

5 Snatch land

5 Snatch drops

2’’, 4’, 6’

3 Cued Snatch


3 cued Squat & hold

Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position

3 Cued lightweight rep with tempo


Front Squat (6×3)

Every 2:00 x 6 sets: 3 Front Squats

* 5 Second Negative

* Build In Weight

Building to 75% to 85% for final set of 3


Two For One (Time)


Power Snatch

Front Squat

400 Meter Run

Barbell: (95/65)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


Posterior Pump (Checkmark)

4-5 Sets For Quality:

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts

10 Second Hold At Top

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

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